Articles on: Showing Reviews

Show the Rating Star manually by copying code

Normally, Kudosi will automatically add an app block or a code on your theme when you enable our app. However, for some situation such as using a customed theme/ page builder, it is required to add the code manually. Please kindly read bellow for detailed instruction or contact our support team if you are not so comfortable in coding.

Here’re details that guide you how to add the code snippet in order to display the star rating:

Go to your Online store - Theme - Find the Theme that you're using - Action - *Edit Code.*

On product page

Search for product.liquid file or product-template.liquid (please be noted that the file can be named different due to variety of themes)

Then, find the following code line as bellow (the product title, you can also place it under the position you want)

{{ product.title }}

Copy this code snippet (B):

<div ="alireviews-review-star-rating"></div>

Insert the code snippet (B) under the above code line (A):

On Collection page:

Go to the product-grid-item.liquid or product-card-grid.liquid file, or product-item.liquid or product-info.liquid. Then, find the following code line (A):

{{ product.title }}

Copy this code snippet (B):

<div ="alireviews-review-star-rating"></div>

Insert the code snippet (B) under the above code line (A).

That’s it. Good luck!

If it doesn't work, please free to contact our Support team via our live chat channel by clicking on the bottom right icon inside app, or our email at

Updated on: 26/07/2024

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