Articles on: Importing Reviews

Why are my reviews not translated after importing from AliExpress?

Recently you may find that function Translate into your chosen language does not work properly after importing reviews from AliExpress.

The behind reason is that we have used Translation service provided by AliExpress, and recently AliExpress decided that they will keep a review in original language without translating if that review has been only created within 7 days compared to current day.


Set to choose reviews from specific countries, Go to Import Settings > Reviewer Location, and choose countries which speak the language that you want to translate to.

You can filter your imported review with Data Range to exclude reviews created within last 7 days.


With the function "Exclude last 7 days", there are around 70% the amount of reviews translated in your chosen language. Please be advised that, sometimes the amount of reviews translated in your chosen language may be less than 70%, because it still depends on translation service provided by AliExpress, if their contents have not been translated into your chosen language yet, our app still import original reviews.

You can import your reviews from CSV file. For making it clear, if translated reviews from product A were prepared, you can import them via CSV file. For more detail how to import from CSV file can be found here. Please be advised that, this function is available on Essential and Premium plan.

Should you need further support, please feel free to contact us via live chat in-app or email us at

Updated on: 08/07/2024

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